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Mortgages – Finding the most competitive lenders

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Let us know your goals, and we’ll begin putting together our research. As whole of the market mortgage advisers we have access to products offered by both high street and specialist lenders, so you can be sure we have thoroughly assessed your options.

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We’ll discuss our findings with you and if you’re happy to we will request an initial lending decision. If the lender approves the requested loan we can go ahead with the full application. If your buying a new property this is usually a good time to make a formal offer on the property.

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A newsletter is a regularly distributed publication about one topic.

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Mortgage advice


Applying for a mortgage can be very time consuming and is often one of the biggest lifetime purchases. With the help of a mortgage specialist you’ll have less to worry about as we stay in communication with the lender and you. Scroll down to see how we can help you, or fill in our inquiry form if you have any questions. We can help with the following:


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Areas of Expertise

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Residential Mortgages


Purchasing your home may be one of the biggest financial decisions of your life, so you want to be sure you’ve purchased the right mortgage for you. There are many options available as to the type of mortgage you can apply for, depending on your circumstances. We will narrow down the selection and recommend the mortgage that meets your needs.
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Buying a property to let is a long-term investment which aims to generate the owner an income from rents or capital gain when selling the property. When buying a property to let, it is important to be sure of your primary objective, while aware of the added tax implications you may face. We will inform you of any potential charges before proceeding.
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There are many different reasons people decide to re-mortgage a property; from home improvements to investment purchases. Re-mortgaging can be useful in unexpected circumstances where a lump sum of cash is required, but you may also want to find a better rate than that provided by your current lender when the initial interest rate ceases.
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Areas of Expertise


As independent agents we are able to search the whole of the market, beyond the restrictions of high street lenders. We only work for our clients, so you can be sure our recommendations are in your best interests. Below are just some of the companies we have previously worked with. We regularly look for opportunities with new providers and can even approach specialist lenders in tricky cases.


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Call to action

[heading tag=”h6″ align=”centre” padding=”20px” color=”#032F72″ style=”default” color2=”#000″]THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE SECURING OTHER DEBTS AGAINST YOUR HOME. YOUR HOME OR PROPERTY MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON YOUR MORTGAGE[/heading]


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Switching Lenders

Researching the whole of the market


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switching rates

If you’re thinking about re-mortgaging a residential or buy-to-let property, we can help you explore the market for the most suitable deal.


We are not tied to one particular lender and have access to a whole of market panel when it comes to arranging mortgages and other home and property finance. You can be confident we’ve done all is possible to find you the best deal.



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Areas of Expertise

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First Time Buyers


There are currently many home purchase schemes available for first-time buyers, to help you get onto the housing ladder. We’ll make the process as hassle-free as possible, while providing you with all your available options. The rate charged will depend upon your circumstances and lender, but we can provide you with a personalised illustration to give you a better idea of the rates to expect.
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Finding Better Rates


When your initial interest rate comes to an end, it could be worth looking at alternative lenders offering cheaper rates. After assessing your circumstances we can show you projections of what you could potentially save by changing lender. If you think you could be paying a better rate of interest on your mortgage, leave us a note and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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Call to action

[heading tag=”h6″ align=”centre” padding=”20px” color=”#032F72″ style=”default” color2=”#000″]THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE SECURING OTHER DEBTS AGAINST YOUR HOME. YOUR HOME OR PROPERTY MAY BE REPOSSESSED IF YOU DO NOT KEEP UP REPAYMENTS ON YOUR MORTGAGE[/heading]


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Full access

The Application Process


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All types of policy

While our office is based in Chester we can help with properties throughout the UK. We are not tied to any particular lender, which means that we have the ability to act on your behalf in order to establish the most appropriate mortgage solution for you. There may be a fee for mortgage advice. The precise amount of the fee will depend upon your circumstances but we estimate that it will be £350.


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[one_fourth] [icon_box title=”Step 1″ icon=”icon-pencil” image=”” icon_position=”top” border=”1″ link=”” target=”_blank” animate=”” class=””]Introductions – Meet with your mortgage specialist to discuss your goals and circumstances.[/icon_box] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] [icon_box title=”Step 2″ icon=”icon-search” image=”” icon_position=”top” border=”1″ link=”” target=”_blank” animate=”” class=””]Research – Your adviser will research the whole of the market, before discussing your options with you.[/icon_box] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] [icon_box title=”Step 3″ icon=”icon-paper-plane” image=”” icon_position=”top” border=”1″ link=”” target=”_blank” animate=”” class=””]Application – If you’re happy, we’ll proceed by completing and submitting your application.[/icon_box] [/one_fourth] [one_fourth] [icon_box title=”Step 4″ icon=”icon-thumbs-up” image=”” icon_position=”top” border=”1″ link=”” target=”_blank” animate=”” class=””]Completion – We will then guide your application through to offer, communicating to all parties.[/icon_box] [/one_fourth]


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Frequently Asked Mortgage Questions

How much can I borrow?: The amount a lender is willing to offer all depends on your affordability. This is usually where your income and outgoings are taken into consideration, but every lender sets they’re own criteria. Buy-to-let properties are slightly different, with lenders wanting to know how much rental income the property will make. We recommend using the Money Advice Service affordability calculator that can be accessed by clicking here.

Will my mortgage be regulated by the FCA?: While most residential mortgages are regulated, if you are looking to get a Buy to Let mortgage the changes are the mortgage will not be regulated the the Financial Conduct Authority, unless classed as a Consumer Buy to Let. If you have any questions or concerns about your requirements, send us an email: [email protected] or call us on 01244 478007.

Can I get a Buy to Let property?: When you are thinking about taking out a Buy to Let mortgage you will need to add up the costs of buying and running your property. You should also think carefully about taxation, marketing, maintenance and general property management. It is also important that you comply with all the legal requirements of being a landlord.

What can I use my loan (mortgage) for?: There are a myriad of reasons individuals decide to take out a mortgage, some of them include, but are not limited to:

  • To purchase a property you intend to live in or let.
  • To raise funds on a property you already own.
  • For home improvements or essential repairs.
  • Remortgaging your home so you can then let it to tenants.

How long does it take?: The amount of time it takes for a mortgage to get approved and financed will vary from lender to lender. When shopping around for mortgages, it’s extremely important to have an idea on average how long a mortgage lender is taking to get their loans closed. A top mortgage lender should be able to get a mortgage financed within 30-45 days from application.

Key Fee Info

Key Fee Information

Before you decide whether or not you should get a mortgage, you need to be aware that there are more costs than just the deposit. We will clearly identify all fees you can expect before you choose to proceed with a mortgage application.

Deposit: Most lenders require a deposit of at least 5% of the properties purchase price.

Product Fee: This is a fee for the mortgage product that you choose, however not all products have product fees. This can often be added to your mortgage, but you will then have to pay interest on it.
Legal Fees: A conveyencer charges legal fees for completing the legal work connected to buying the property. Fees can vary and are often based on the purchase price of the property. This can include Land Registry Fees and local authority searches. This is a requirement regardless of if you are getting a Residential, Buy to Let or Remortgage.

Adviser Fees: We charge a flat fee of £350 for researching and submitting a mortgage application.

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[heading tag=”h4″ align=”justify” padding=”20px” color=”#fff” style=”default” color2=”#000″]We will happily provide you with a free no obligation comparison of any existing policies you have! [/heading]

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Know your adviser

Georgia has been with us for six years, working in all areas of the company. She is a fully qualified Mortgage and Protection adviser, with a wealth of experience in many specialist areas.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_pageable][vc_tta_section title=”Residential” tab_id=”1596124674946-31850c9d-8054″][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Buy-to-Let” tab_id=”1596124674976-408d1d42-6ddc”][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Commercial” tab_id=”1596124779231-a4b0373a-9847″][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Bridging Loans” tab_id=”1596124816704-e72a2010-0a40″][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_pageable][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][fancy_heading h1=”0″ style=”arrows” title=”Our Super Easy Process”]While our office is based in Chester we can help with properties throughout the UK. We are not tied to any particular lender, which means that we have the ability to act on your behalf in order to establish the most appropriate mortgage solution for you. We charge just £350 for our service and this is only payable once we got you a full mortgage offer from a lender. You can also choose to add this amount on to the loan if you’d prefer.[/fancy_heading][vc_icon icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-handshake” color=”black” background_style=”rounded-less”][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]